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Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am a mother of two beautiful children, Lilith Grace 6, and Jaxson Richard 6 months. I am new to a blog but I am super excited to get things rolling. I am looking to do freebies, giveaways, reviews, and many other things. Thank you for visiting and please subscribe to my blog. ;) Thank you and have a great day.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Casey Anthony..... AGAIN????

Well here we go again...
This is my depiction of Casey Anthony~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

I am sorry but I am tired of seeing the ugly face of Casey Anthony!  Everytime she is showcased on a website or in the news we are giving her notoriety! I do not wanna see her face ever again. Whether she did it or not (did) is not the point of this. Even if she is not guilty of murder she is guilty of being a horrible human being and a horrible mother. Jeez I don't even like putting the name Casey Anthony and mother in the same sentence. Its just gross, makes me feel icky....

The newest mention of this "person" is the fact that she hit no. 2 on the creepiest celeb list. WHO CARES! We all know she is creepy stop putting her name out there, stop displaying her picture, stop stop stop. I hope she falls into a black hole somewhere! That is all!!!!!!.

Jessica Simpson's Pregnant!

DUH, You can tell by all the latest pictures that she is most defiantly pregnant. Well that or she just got really fat! I am very happy for her. Its about time she receives some contentment in her life.

Jess I have been rooting for you since you married then divorced that douche from the backstreet boys or 98 degrees... Whatever lame band he was in.

CONGRATS I am so happy you are moving on with you life and found a decent man to do that with. Unfortunately I still don't like your music... sorry but to each his own I guess......

My thoughts on Kim Kardashian’s Divorce

Seriously? Now I do have to give them some kudos they did last longer than I thought they would. She is such a drama queen, and he doesn't seem like the sharpest crayon in the box. However I do slightly feel bad for her. She has been trying to get married for what seems like a decade but that's what you get for jumping into a marriage just because someone asked. If I married every man who asked me I would be another Zsa Zsa Gabor.

HEY KIM GIVE IT MORE THAN 72 HOURS!!!! They should atleast try to make it work. Can you say Counceling anyone? Take a clue from the movie "What happens in Vegas". 

On another note.... Their lavish wedding cost an estimated 10 million. You could feed a the poor for about 10 year on that.
Well im not gonna say I told you so..........